ISRM Mediterranean Chapter: Wildfires in the Mediterranean: From Realization to Resolution

  • 22/09/2023, 11:00 /BST/, 13:00 /EEST/
  • Online
  • 90 minutes

Following the recent devastating wildfires that swept through Greece, leaving tragedy and destruction in their wake, the ISRM Mediterranean Chapter is taking action.

Join us on September 22nd at 11:00 BST for a panel discussion on "Wildfires in the Mediterranean: From Realisation to Resolution", organised by the ISRM Mediterranean Chapter.

These wildfires, which have claimed lives, injured many and scorched vast stretches of land, have sparked urgent conversations about climate change, human negligence and disaster response. As Greece struggles not only with wildfires but also flooding in the aftermath, this event will address the pressing concerns.

The discussion will be moderated by the Executive Director of the ISRM, Dr David Rubens and we are privileged to have esteemed speakers including George Gkioulekas, Chair of the ISRM Mediterranean Chapter; Bill Kappis, Vice-Chair of the ISRM Mediterranean Chapter; Guillermo Rein, Professor of Fire Science at Imperial College London and Editor-in-Chief of Fire Technology journal; Pierantonios Papazoglou, a Research Associate and Manager at CERIDES, Andrew Blades, Principal Advisor for Emergency Resilience at the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions and Miguel Vidueira, Technical Manager at CEPREVEN, Spanish Fire Protection Association.
